group of men standing together holding up certificates

Celebrating Success: Amicus' Employment Advantage Graduation

May 24, 2024

Amicus recently celebrated the latest group of graduates from its Employment Advantage program. This milestone is a testament to the transformative power of support and empowerment in the face of significant challenges. 

Individuals with a history of involvement in the criminal legal system encounter significant obstacles in their search for a job. The Employment Advantage program equips participants with essential skills and strategies vital for securing and maintaining employment. Through personalized coaching and guidance, participants develop personal portfolios, refine interview techniques, and learn proactive ways to address their past. These tools are instrumental in overcoming the unique challenges they face in the job market. 

In reflecting on this achievement, Chris Doege, Senior Director of Community Justice expressed profound pride, stating, "The graduation from our Employment Advantage program highlights the resilience and determination of each participant. Each graduate embodies the spirit of perseverance, overcoming obstacles that might have seemed insurmountable. Employment is not just about finding a job; it's about reclaiming dignity and building a foundation for a better future. We celebrate their success and commend their dedication to personal growth and self-sufficiency." 

As these graduates step into the next chapter of their lives, they carry with them the knowledge, skills, and support gained through the Employment Advantage program. With their newfound confidence and abilities, they are poised to make meaningful contributions to their communities and inspire others to believe in the power of second chances. 

Their success serves as a reminder that with compassion, guidance, and opportunity, individuals can overcome adversity and forge a path towards a brighter future. Amicus' Employment Advantage program continues to be a beacon of hope, lighting the way for those seeking to rebuild their lives after incarceration. 

We would like to thank the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation for providing funding to Volunteers of America – Minnesota and Wisconsin to cover a variety of programs including this Amicus program. Their dedicated support has positively impacted thousands of lives.   

Everyone needs a second chance sometimes. Help those in search of a new start.