Many of us can say that we don’t really give much attention to our breath, and why should we? It is an autonomic response that doesn’t require any thought. What happens when we shift intentional focus to our breath? Regularly taking deep and controlled breaths throughout the day has been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, increase productivity, and even has the potential to lower blood pressure. By simply increasing the amount of oxygen being delivered to your brain through deep breathing exercises, you can feel more calm, relaxed, and aware. A weekly resource curated by Volunteers of America MN/WI’s Director of Racial Justice and Spiritual Care, Laura Thelander, delivers insights and practices to inspire colleagues and community members to take a moment during their busy schedules to pause and observe.
From breathing exercises to thoughtful reflections, Embracing the Pause, provides quick and easy ways to promote personal self-care and well-being. Explore a selection of Embracing the Pause resources below.