A headshot of a man in a suit grinning

Volunteer Spotlight: John Syverud

May 24, 2024

What inspired you to become a VOA High School volunteer?
During my first year as a VOA MN/WI board member, I attended the grand opening of the new VOA High School location (across the street from my previous employer of 32+ years). I was impressed by the refurb of the space, but far more so with the enthusiasm and dedication of the staff I met during that initial visit. VOA High School's director was enthusiastically welcoming and guided me through the volunteer process quickly.

What has surprised you about volunteering?
Several things: 1) How extraordinarily different the context is compared to my high school experience (granted, it's been literally a half-century); 2) the broad spectrum of students' attitudes and behavior (from typical post-pubescent silliness and irreverence to impressively serious studiousness); 3) the exceptional patience and diligence of the teaching and support staff - this continues to be truly inspirational for me.

What has been the biggest challenge? The biggest joy?
On one hand, they're one and the same: Occasionally achieving a measure of trust with a student, allowing me to help work through a specific exercise on a given day. Another (unanticipated) joy was seeing a student who'd decided this old white guy could be occasionally helpful, a) earning the student of the month award a couple of months after we started working together and b) attending his graduation last June.

Has being a VOA High School volunteer changed the way you see our community? If so, how?
My volunteering at a community food shelf for the past 3+ years has provided a broader appreciation of my (and my family's) privileges while my experience at VOA High School has expanded my awareness of a different (primarily younger) cohort, particularly of those who, despite so many societal, financial, and other situational obstacles, are choosing to put significant energy into improving their lives.

What advice would you give others who are thinking about volunteering?
Please consider it seriously. My experience (over and over) is that you're likely to receive far more than the modest number of hours of effort you contribute.

Just for fun: What is one of your favorite activities during the long, cold Minnesota winters?
Oh, boy; besides departing briefly for sunnier climates or more skiable terrain? I'd rank socializing with family and friends in front of/beneath several robust heat sources on still evenings in our backyard.